Featured: SokoCity
Some of the projects that I have worked on. This includes a full stack e-commerce website, a mobile application using Flutter, and a procedurally generated puzzle-rpg game.
I am a full stack developer and graphic designer based in NYC. I love to figure out and build creative solutions. Currently, I am a Teaching Fellow at for the Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy of Code, where I mentor 33 students, debug code, and lead technical interviews.
Outside of work, I am a dog mom of two (Miso the Shibe and Momo the Shih-Pom), playing Animal Crossing, learning ukelele, doodling, (attempting to) learn dances, or getting lost in a metaphorical rabbit hole on Wikipedia or Reddit. Why? I just really enjoy learning about things and flexing my creative muscles when I can!
Over the years, I've learned and developed a variety of both soft and hard skills. I love to be hands on with new technology and create. As a current Teaching Fellow, I get to utilize my teaching skills and patience gained from my days as a preschool teacher, and my creative thinking from my time as a graphic designer. I live for the challenges that programming provides, and I absolutely cannot wait to contribute to meaningful projects.
Proficient in: Javascript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Git, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, RESTful API, and PostgreSQL
Knowledgable in: TDD, Mocha, Chai, Jasmin, Heroku, Travis, SQL, Figma, and Sketch
Familiar with: Material UI, Firebase, Phaser, Flutter, Dart
Grace Hopper graduate. Learned and became proficient in the NERDS (Node, Express, React, and Databases with Sequelize) stack.
3 years of digital and print design experience. Skilled in Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Figma and comfortable with Sketch, Lightroom, and InDesign.
Current Teaching Fellow, mentoring 33 students, debugging code, and clarifying concepts with analogies. Former preschool teacher, teaching and supervising 3-year-old children.
Avid learner of random facts and constantly researching. Chaser of the 'aha!' moments when learning and creating.
I would absolutely love to get to know you and talk about my experiences. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or send me an email!