Hey! I'm Essie. I am a creator.

I am a full stack developer and graphic designer based in NYC. I love to figure out and build creative solutions. Currently, I am a Teaching Fellow at for the Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy of Code, where I mentor 33 students, debug code, and lead technical interviews.

Outside of work, I am a dog mom of two (Miso the Shibe and Momo the Shih-Pom), playing Animal Crossing, learning ukelele, doodling, (attempting to) learn dances, or getting lost in a metaphorical rabbit hole on Wikipedia or Reddit. Why? I just really enjoy learning about things and flexing my creative muscles when I can!




Featured: SokoCity

Some of the projects that I have worked on. This includes a full stack e-commerce website, a mobile application using Flutter, and a procedurally generated puzzle-rpg game.


Featured: BARK

Some of my design work over the years as well as hobby photography.

doodles and thoughts

Featured: React Props

Some illustrated diagrams that I drew during my time as a teaching fellow to help create a visual representation of concepts.


Over the years, I've learned and developed a variety of both soft and hard skills. I love to be hands on with new technology and create. As a current Teaching Fellow, I get to utilize my teaching skills and patience gained from my days as a preschool teacher, and my creative thinking from my time as a graphic designer. I live for the challenges that programming provides, and I absolutely cannot wait to contribute to meaningful projects.

Proficient in: Javascript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Git, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, RESTful API, and PostgreSQL

Knowledgable in: TDD, Mocha, Chai, Jasmin, Heroku, Travis, SQL, Figma, and Sketch

Familiar with: Material UI, Firebase, Phaser, Flutter, Dart

  • Developer

    Grace Hopper graduate. Learned and became proficient in the NERDS (Node, Express, React, and Databases with Sequelize) stack.

  • Designer

    3 years of digital and print design experience. Skilled in Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Figma and comfortable with Sketch, Lightroom, and InDesign.

  • Teacher

    Current Teaching Fellow, mentoring 33 students, debugging code, and clarifying concepts with analogies. Former preschool teacher, teaching and supervising 3-year-old children.

  • Always Curious

    Avid learner of random facts and constantly researching. Chaser of the 'aha!' moments when learning and creating.

talk to me!

I would absolutely love to get to know you and talk about my experiences. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or send me an email!